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• Under 18 years of age

• Pregnancy

Breastfeeding - anesthetic is not possible, so service is not possible

• Cold Sores/ Fever Blisters- If you have ever had a cold sore, please read the instructions following this list 

• Skin tone #4 or higher on the Fitzpatrick Scale- Emily will discuss.  Dark lips can experience hyperpigmentation/ scarring which is irreversible. If your skin heals dark after an injury, your lips will also heal dark after micropigmentation.  Read about micropigmentation for dark lips 

• Keloids, birthmarks or moles in area, or if you have tendency to keloid

• Any symptoms of skin disease or irritation present on or around the lips

• Lesion of any kind, broken skin, or skin trauma on or around the lips

• Lip Filler- Lip Micropigmentation service must be at least 4 weeks before, or 4 weeks after lip filler

• Recent lip surgery e.g. cosmetic implant etc

• Currently on Accutane - must wait at least 6 months after treatment ends

• Currently taking blood thinning medication

• Allergy or sensitivity to topical anesthetics (e.g. lidocaine)

• Allergy or sensitivity to topical antibiotics (e.g. A&D ointment)

• Sunburn or significant suntan on face

• Diabetic - doctor's note is required and an addendum to consent form must be signed by Client

• Cancer - must be 6 months post chemo, otherwise a doctor's note of clearance is required and an addendum to consent form must be signed by Client

• Autoimmune disorders being treated with steroid medication - doctor's note is required and an addendum to consent form must be signed by Client

• Circulatory and bleeding disorders - doctor's note is required and an addendum to consent form must be signed by Client

• Epilepsy - doctor’s note is required

• Hemochromatosis - doctor’s note is required

• Inability to lie down.  Service requires Client to lie still, flat on their back throughout the pigment application portion of the appointment

• Smoking may cause pigment to distort and/ or fade quicker than normal


If you have ever experienced cold sores, no matter how long ago, preventative measures MUST be taken in the form of prophylactic medication (e.g. Valtrex etc.) beginning at least 3 days prior to appointment and continuing for at least 5 days after service. If this instruction is not followed, there is nearly 100% certainty that the Lip Micropigmentation service WILL trigger an outbreak of cold sores in clients who are prone to them. An outbreak will result in loss of pigment, ruining the results of the service, therefore it must be prevented. Following this instruction is of the highest importance for best results and is solely the responsibility of the client

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